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Are you interested in financing a property?
VÚB Leasing provides property financing for various types of buildings.

Financial leasing

Financial leasing is a long-term contractual relationship (lease agreement with subsequent purchase) closed for a fixed term, in which the owner (the lessor) leases the basic means to the lessee for remuneration (lease payments). The agreement includes a provision on the transfer of ownership of the subject of the lease after the termination of the lease to the lessee.

The subject of the lease

  • industrial buildings (warehouses, logistics spaces, production halls and others)
  • administrative buildings (office space)
  • commercial spaces
  • hotels, restaurants, recreation and other accommodations
  • public buildings

The possibility of financial leasing

  • lease length: max 12 years
  • Initial installment 15% - 70%
  • processing fee: depending on the product you require

Documents needed to conclude a lease agreement

All necessary documents are listed on the Financial lease applications. The details of the documents depend on the subject of financing, the client's creditworthiness, the chosen repayment model, the length of the applicant's business, other business case specifics.

Natural persons - entrepreneurs

  • application for financing
  • a copy of the identity card/passport of the owner/s
  • a copy of the current valid extract from the Trade Register of the SR for legal purposes irrespective of the date of issue
  • other authorization to perform an activity issued by the competent authority (e.g. license, membership in a chamber, etc.)
  • certificate of Tax registration and VAT number
  • the first page of last month's account statement,
  • a copy of the tax return for the past 2 years and a confirmation of submission
  • financial statements for the last 2 financial years

Legal entities

  • application for financing
  • a copy of the ID card or the passport of the authorized agents entitled to act on behalf of a legal person,
  • a copy of the current valid extract from the Commercial Register of the SR for legal purposes irrespective of the date of issue
  • other authorization to perform an activity issued by the competent authority (e.g. license, membership in a chamber, etc.)
  • certificate of Tax registration and VAT number
  • the first page of last month's account statement,
  • a copy of the tax return for the past 2 years and a confirmation of submission
  • financial statements for the last 2 financial years

Documents to determine the purchase price of the property

  • current expert opinion in paper form with the appraisal file in electronic form (usually on CD)
  • the price of individual buildings
  • the price of land under constructions
  • the price of land with no buildings and the determination of which of them are designated for construction and which are not

Documents for property identification:

  • identification of all parcels and buildings/non-residential premises to be leased
  • which plots of land are only partly built-up and also indicate the size of this property
  • the number of above-ground and underground floors (i.e. floors and basements except for the ground floor)
  • the age of each building
  • the purpose of use of the building
  • the legal title to the acquisition of ownership by the seller

Documents necessary for drawing up the contractual documentation:

  • the title deed to the legal acts with current data of all properties to be leased
  • Certificate of occupancy in the event that it is not attached to the expert opinion
  • lease agreements and other important economic documents
  • access to the property - specific parcels, access must be secured as follows:
    • public road owned by the municipality, large territorial unit, the state
    • easement in rem in favor of the financed property for each plot, through which it is necessary to gain access to the financed property from a public road
  • documentation of sewer connection/WTP
  • documentation of other networks (water, electricity, gas)

If the property is burdened, it is necessary:

  • to quantify the current amount of the burden ensured by a right of lien
  • the attaching creditor's consent to the sale and purchase of the financed property
  • a statement by the attaching creditor that after payment he/she will issue a waiver/surrender of the right of lien in full

If it is a cultural monument

  • fulfillment of the obligation to offer it for sale to the state (Section 23 of Act No. 49/2002)

In addition, for non-residential premises:

  • a description of the non-residential space in the building and its fixtures
  • definition of the position of the non-residential space in the building by marking the apartment number, the number of the entrance
  • description of the non-residential space
  • determining the extent of the floor area and equipment of the non-residential space in the building (Section 5 par. 1 a) of Act No. 182/1993 Coll.)
  • designation and description of common parts of the building and common facilities of the building
  • a description of the facilities and adjoining land and, where applicable, determining which parts of the building and common equipment of the building, part of the facilities and adjoining land are used only by some owners of the dwellings and some owners of the non-residential premises (Section 5 par. 1 c) of Act No. 182/1993 Coll.)
  • identification of the modification rights to the land of the built-up building and to the adjacent land (Section 5 par. 1 d) Act No. 182/1993 Coll.),
  • whether the house is located in civil protection facilities and how the rights are regulated (prior consent of the competent authorities) (Section 5 par. 1 h) of Act No. 182/1993 Coll.)
  • defining the co-ownership share in the boiler room if it heats multiple buildings and by agreement between the acquirers of flats and the owner of the building, the transfer of the ownership of the flat to the joint ownership of the owners of flats and owners of non-residential premises in the building (Section 5 par. 3 of Act No. 182/1993 Coll.)

Financing conditions